
Appears in the AMG film "Cruel Sieperorners Mustrated below. Page" (57. Silm "Adams Vs wrestling is

very poorly done.

Bob is active in football and basketball. Works at construction, but talented in art. When we last heard from him he had just joined the air force.

This is AMG photo US-10-AL BOB PAGE 19 from Selah Wn. 165 lbs 5'10, waist 29 loose

27 3/4 tight, arms 13 3/4, forearm 11 1/2, forearm 11.5, heck 15, chest 38/41, hips 37 thigh 21.5, calf 15, ankle 9.75


Catalog pages 40 thru

44 show many additional studies of Bob.

Also wrestling shots of him with Adams on pgs. 2,3,4 of VY catalog.




FILM PLOTS STILL NEEDED. Yes, we've got thousands now but we still need more--trouble is that so many of them are too difficult to execute with our limited resources. If you are going to take the trouble to write us a physi que film story, dont bother to be too elaborate, just describe what happens in the film in ordinary language (it's not at all necessary to use technical terms such as Long Shot, close up etc., unless you fullyun derstand these and feel you can thus better put your idea across. TWO PEOPLE PLOTS BEST. A short film doesnt allow enough time to show a number of fellows effectively so stories just involving two are best, though by all means include more if your plot idea is better worked out with more.

SIMPLE SCENES: Think of your plot as a one-act (and one set) play without words. By their actions alone the actors must be able to put across the plot. Simple rooms, (apt., kitchen, bath), institutional, jailhouse, lakeside, garden, palace room and others allowing for an easily constructed background are most desirable.

Dont forget that the basic purpose of the physique film is to DISPLAY PHYSIQUES! So please dont get models so involved in other technicalities that this is forgotten. And remember, your only reward for all this work is a free

copy of the film when your idea is photographed.

Bob Page

Page 7

Pgs 30, 31 of CRUEL STEPBROTHERS 13 minutes

Film C-13 VR catalog

8mm $13. 16mm $18

Bob Wilson

Bob Poge,

Bob Glennon,